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Samstag, 8. September 2018

Ricky de Camargo new release on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and more


DeFox Records und Heart Of Steel Records sind stolz, das Debütalbum "Origins" des großartigen brasilianischen Gitarristen Ricky de Camargo ankündigen zu können.

Die Veröffentlichung ist jetzt verfügbar in dem digitalen Album wird auf jedem weltweiten Webstores gestartet werden,  iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer, Google Play, Tidal, Shazam...

DeFox Records and Heart Of Steel Records are proud to announce the debut album titled "Origins" of amazing brazilian guitar player Ricky de Camargo.
The release is now available in the digital album will be launched on every worldwide webstores, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer, Google Play, Tidal, Shazam...

"Origins" is an album that Ricky want to put his feelings into it. It's not a crazy guitar solo album with million note for second, but an album that mix of heavy side at the begin and moving to a lighter side of his guitar playing. It's an album that you can hear without effort cause isn't just crazy instrumental stuffs, but has nice melodies here and there who tries to give you some moments of thinking about whats going on, but also gives you moments of just relaxation and peace.

Song by song:

01 - Stand Your Ground
The concept behind Stand Your Ground is mantain your position, focus and belief. No matter the adversity life brings to you.

02 - Three Days
When I wrote ''Three Days'' I was playing a video game called ''The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask'' where the hero ''Link'' has only Three Days to save the world from a catastrophic Moon Fall.

03 - Black Materia
This a song that I wrote many years ago when I used to play with some friends in a little church in my hometown in Sorocaba, Brazil. We wanted to have a dark and heavy instrumental song. So I came home after our rehearsal and created this song after many hours looking for nice tappings and harmony parts. When I finished the process was late night.

04 - Origins
''Origins'' is song that I wrote last year. I was looking for some instrumental smooth rock type of song. In this tune we had the privilege of have an amazing Brazilian guitar player called Alex Martinho perfoming a very beautiful guitar part. Thanks Alex. You Rock man !

05 - Believe
Everybody I think had a moment in life when everything is not the best or had some troubles and the confidence goes down. I had this kind of problems too. And this song is about don't give up. Cause the life is greater than our problems. So we must carry on.

06 - Digital Fusion
''Digital Fusion'' is a song that I recorded just very quickly. I grab the guitar and play the most crazy solo I can improvise over this harmony. After I had recorded the solo and listened I just have no doubt that there's is a fusion cool kind of sound that I want to have in the album.

07 - Blue Sky
When I started to write ''Blue Sky'' was a beautiful lovely day in my city. Nice weather, a cool autumn breeze. And the sky was incredibly blue. So I took this nice harmony that I already have and started to record. Very cool day !

08 - Toupeira's Paradise
When I was a kid. I had this fun nickname which is ''Toupeira''. What means MOLE in english. I always liked this nickname cause sounds funny ! So when I'm playing my guitar is like i have been in a paradise. The ''Toupeira's Paradise''

09 - Whispering
Imagine that you are playing your guitar or whatever instrument you like in front of a beautiful and calm river surrounded by little birds and a warm wind. That's the inspiration for this song.


Press Bureau:
In collaboration with Steel Metal Press

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